Latest message: 4 months, 4 weeks ago
djRONNY KNiGHT : BRO FITZPATRICK! HRU?!2024-09-11 00:13:09
Dj Canon : okay I believe the chat box is up?2024-06-01 22:43:35
Dj Canon : Trying to repair the chat box!!!!2024-06-01 22:37:12
Johnnie Meadows : Good Evening everyone2024-06-01 22:36:44
Dj. snon : Weare live!2024-06-01 22:36:12
Shanon : good evening everyone2024-06-01 22:23:05
Lou Meadows : Hello everyone2024-06-01 22:02:21
Wanda : Good evening, everyone!2024-05-26 01:30:36
Lou Meadows : You guys need to stop2024-05-26 00:28:26
Greg : In Eric’s two examples, they are not democracies2024-05-25 22:43:01
Greg : That’s because they’re teaching the youth to be anti patriotic. It’s all about pushing marxism2024-05-25 22:25:29
Lou Meadows : Good evening2024-05-25 22:15:04
Lou Meadows : that's fuuny2024-05-18 22:19:57
Dj Canon : Live on the on air!2024-05-18 22:17:37
Lou Meadows : tunning in good evening everyone2024-05-18 22:16:44
Dj Canon : Good night, everyone!2024-05-12 00:59:30
Anthony : Good evening everyone!!2024-05-11 23:47:10
Anthony : Good evening everyone!!2024-05-11 23:46:37
Tierney Grayson : Enjoyed the conversation with Pastor Ken Marsh! Truly insightful!2024-05-11 23:40:29
Lou Meadows : very good interview2024-05-11 23:32:13
Deacon Lee, : This is a good interview with Pastor Marsh.2024-05-11 23:24:26
Deacon Greg : Back in the beginning of blues, those guys would go by one name one week then deaacon so and so the next, back and fourth alll time.2024-05-11 23:10:37
Lou Meadows : Goood ,Good evening to everyone.2024-05-11 22:03:01
Dj Canon : WCAN Radio is LIVE!2024-05-11 22:01:48
Dj Canon : Well misery LOVEs company!!2024-05-05 00:58:50
Renay : That sad strawberry got me too! I didnt know it was a blueberry!2024-05-05 00:50:17
Tierney Grayson : Glad to be here!2024-05-04 22:37:02
Lou Meadows : Good everyone sounding good2024-05-04 22:30:16
Dj Canon : On the air!2024-05-04 22:08:56
Dj Canon : We are live!!2024-04-27 22:38:38
Lou Meadows : Hello everyone,tunning in2024-04-27 22:07:59
Tierney Grayson : Good Evening All!2024-04-27 22:04:13
Lou Meadows : Great hearing you guys loud and clear, good evening.2024-04-20 22:06:12
Tierney Grayson : Looking forward to an evening of Smooth Jazz & Great Conversation!2024-04-20 22:04:01
Dj Canon : We are LIVE!!2024-04-20 22:00:22
WCAN : Welcome to the Chat2024-04-16 14:23:54